Saturday, August 2, 2008

I didn't know that I could sweat so much! Today was hot, about 88 at my house? not sure but it didn't take long for the clothes to dry out on the line. Hung them out at 11.30a and by 4pm when I took them down they where bone dry,unlike me who is not bone dry! Did you know that you can sweat behind your knees? let me tell you, you can, oh, that's right! Horses sweat,men perspire and women glow!, so by that logic, if you put me in a a dark room you could read by my glow! I'm down to my tank top and undies (sorry Mom!) and also have the fan running, I could turn on the A/C but for some perverse reason I don't, I think I want to find out just how hot I have to be to break!
I didn't do much today, other then 2 loads of wash, watered the garden, went to find a house that was a coworker of a friend and couldn't find the house, but it was a nice drive, I had the 2.BW/55 A/C on. That's 2 windows down plus the back one open and going 55. then went to Menominee to the super WalMart and did some shopping, needed to get a new sun umbrella, its was cheep, also ugly! not the ugliest as that one was real cheep.


  1. Did you get the pictures I sent? I sent them to your chandelle address. So, how hot are you? Are you glowing like the red light outside Kramer's bedroom in the Fried Chicken restaurant episode?

  2. I got the pics and saved to a file
    I'm a bright light! not a glow
