Thursday, December 3, 2009


Here are the kittens when I brought them home this morning. They were very happy to be home and hung out on the couch for about an hour like this. Then Harvey ( black kitten) started up being the pest that he is. His sister Colby has been low keyed all day. But then, she had more done. One good thing. When Harvey puts his fuzz butt in my face it's not so fuzzy now. Things that were furry are now missing! Down side of all this. When I picked up the kittens, the vet office told me that in the kennel next to the kittens was a cat that had a wet raspy cough. That I should keep an eye on mine to see if they develop a cough. Well, guess who is coughing tonight? Colby is. Sounds like she is coughing up a wet lung. I will call the vets tomorrow and get some meds for them. Poor Colby, just what you don't want to do when you have been spayed is have a deep cough. It must pull on her stitched area.

I had another meeting today with the school. I have set up an appointment to take a COMPASS test. I have to take that before I can fill out the application. It's so that they can place me. ( See how dumb I am ) There's going to be some MATH on it. The kind of MATH that has FRACTIONS! I see that the library has some math books for dummies. I think that I will check them out and do a little brush up on my non existent math skills.
I have no idea on how to do this....... 2/3 x 5/8.. I blame it all on that I lived on a sailboat and never learned it. Nor do I know how to do this one.... 5/8 divided by 2/3... I'm getting a little freaked out right now. Oh and there will be ALGEBRA! I'm getting the vapors as I type. I need to go blow into a paper bag as I might pass out.


  1. Don't sweat it, you'll be ok. Maybe bike man can give you a lesson or two on fractions.

  2. Those kittens are looking a lot bigger. Poor Colby, sure has been one problem after another.

    I was never very good at fractions either. Getting a book is a great way to polish up a little bit. Hope the test goes well for you.

  3. Krissy, please stop vapor-ing... it's much easier to learn this stuff when we are a bit older and "differently" motivated than when we were teens... you're a smart gal and you'll be able to learn what you need to learn so you can do what you want to do. Education can never ever be taken away from you.


  4. hahaha fractions! Everybody else is being nice and supportive but I'm just laughing. See the bottom numbers?

  5. You will do fine Krissy. If I can pass it you will too..

  6. I hope the kitties will be ok.
