Monday, August 4, 2008


YUM! I go to bed at night so I can wake in the AM and have breakfast! But I have never been one for the traditional breakfast foods. Oh don't get me wrong, I love eggs benedict, omelets and french toast in the AM or at anytime, but sometimes I cant face that bowl of soggy corn flakes, but then why suffer that? So this morning I did have a bowl of corn, but not your normal bowl.
I bought some fresh sweet corn the other day, so this morning while I was banging the cupboards and looking in the fridge for inspiration, I got inspired! I boiled 3 ears of corn for about 7 min and then slathered them with butter,dill,garlic ( hey, my dog doesn't care!) and salt and because I didn't want corn flying,I cut it off the cob and put it in a bowl.So I had corn for breakfast, just not dried,flaked and with milk.


  1. hey krissy. some pretty good blogging going on. I'm impressed. Good spelling and sentence structure, too!

    And I'm already more famous than Patty cause my name got mentioned already!

    I hate the word "blog". It sounds so bloggy.

  2. Yah, so when does Patty get a story? I would like a nice bowl of sweet corn, but three ears? Isn't three an awful lot of corn in one sitting? More than enough fiber on top of the tomatoes you had yesterday.
