Thursday, January 22, 2009

Another Rant!

I don't know about you, but I hate hate hate hearing loud music coming from other peoples car. You know what I'm talking about, that loud thumping base that makes your heart vibrate and your car! I just think it's rude!

When I moved here to the middle of dairy land WI, I noticed that you didn't hear it much. Well, I was exposed to it one time since I have been here, but it didn't make me cranky, it made me laugh! You would too if you saw it. It was a corn fed white boy, in a Honda Civic type car, wearing a John Deer baseball cap sideways, listening to rap! In the big town of Colfax no less, whose population is a little over 1000! I just giggled!

That's not my current rant. It's just a way to transition to this rant. Now that I blog, I like to check out other blogs. You can get lost in time and space for a few hours just going from blog to blog. What erks my chicken are blogs that have music! I'm in my own home being subjugated to other peoples choice of what they think is good music! I don't want to hear what they think is the best of Country, Jazz , Rock and Christian music! When I come upon their blog and it has music? I just pass them by! I now have my sound turned off, so that when I go blog hopping I don't hear it. Sometimes I forget to turn my sound off and I hit on a blog and like a sore tooth you poke with your tongue, I stay just for a seconds to see what they selected! I know, I know! I'm letting myself get bugged by such a trivial thing.

As my sisters can tell you, sounds can get on my nerves! Maybe that's why I didn't get asked to babysit that much?


  1. i dont like the music either. it is not necessary. music in restaurants, music in stores, music in outdoor areas. its too much. can we have some peace and quiet? so i hear you!

  2. I like music but there is a place and time for it. Sometimes I like to listen and sometimes I don't. So it does bother me when you go to a blog and music plays automatically. It should be an optional thing, like - if you like to hear what kind of music I like click here.

    I'm with you.

  3. agreed. And yes, no babysitting for you!

  4. That's so funny that you blogged about that subject, because it's been bugging me for months. When I go to a blog with music, I usually turn the speaker off so I don't hear the music...that's a simple solution right?

  5. I don't like it either, I usually always have my speakers turned off now!

