Thursday, January 15, 2009


In Anchorage there's a restaurant called " The Bear Tooth" It's probably one of my favorite places to go. I love the Cesar salad with a lime wedge, the "tasty little garlic treats" are to die for. I have never had bad food there. Oh and the staff is pretty good too. Before this place became a restaurant it was a movie theater. It was a dump, a dive, an eye sore! But the movies were cheep. Only .99 to see a movie! 2 things happened to me there that I will never forget!

I was about 17 (I think) and was going to go into the the theater and there was a guy hanging out in a long black overcoat. I tried to avoid eye contact but he went "psst" "psst" so I looked at him and he motioned for me to come over to him. I had to go by him any way and so I moved closer to him. He started to open his overcoat and I though "Great! I'm going to get flashed!" He open the overcoat all the way and said " You want to buy some swim goggles?" The inside of his coat had about 50 swim goggles! All kinds of colors! I said "No thank you" and went and watched the movie, keeping a eye out for the weird guy!

The 2nd thing was that this theater was the place that my 1st and only blind date happened at.
My MOM set me up. John called me up ( I can't remember his name so let's call him John) and the plan was made to go to the movies. So I dressed accordingly. I was teasing with my sister (we rented a apartment together) as I waited and said "I hope he doesn't drive a van" Up pulls a van! I then say, " I hope that he's not wearing a suit" He gets out and he's wearing a suit! We meet and greet and go out to the van and he has a bed in the back of the van and carpet on the walls! We then go to a gas station to get gas and he also buys me a soda for the movies. As we go to the theater he tells me that dating is real expensive and I'm thinking to myself " Yep, that .50 cents is pretty pricey, and taking me to the .99 cent movie. Wow! Your going to spend all of a buck 49 on me!" I can't remember the movie. On the way home he again made comments on how expensive it is to date! I thought about giving him $1.50 but decided not! I mean, come on! $1.50?! And what was up with the suit? He knew we were going to the cheep, dumpy movie theater! He asked me if I would like to go out again. I said no.

Did you ever go on a blind date? Was it bad or good?


  1. I think it is important to add that his suit was a leisure suit in a pale blue color. And didn't he ask if you'd split the soda? To make it even cheaper? That was a funny night, I was laughing so hard as you went out the door on your special evening.

  2. My one and only blind date involved the use of hand puppets to take the change from the drive thru lady at Taco Jams. After playing video games (which I don't care for) we went to Taco Jams and then he had the audacity to discuss marriage on the way back to the dorm. One date. Marriage. I felt like leaping from the moving vehicle.

  3. Never in my life did I have a blind date...never ever! Actually, I didn't date much. I had a close relationship with an Australian basketball player in my Freshman year of college, but then he went back home to Australia! My second serious dating was my now current hubby...Teddles. Sorry this isn't a juicy story!!!!!!!!!

  4. Krissy, I have had a blind date with the guy that own Garrett's Tesoro. I told the girl that set up up that from then on if she anyone she thought i should meet, then bring them to church! Another time a co-worker tried to set me up with someone she thought would be perfect for me, turned out we'd known each other since 1st grade! Another friend set me up with a pharmacuical rep she dealt with. We went to Romano's where I am sure he had at least 6 drinks before and during dinner. THAT was my last blind date.

    Now as far as the Denali goes, When I was about 18 or 19, I went to see Dr. Z, I can't spell it but Lara's song came from that movie, with a friend that was pg but not due for a month or so. I had been trying to see this movie but something was always happening to I was concerned the film was going to break because it was doing weird things, then about 30 min into the movie, Tina leaned over and said " I think I just wet my pants". You know how I can get silly sometimes? Well we went to the bathroom and she didn't JUST break her water, she was bleeding like crazy. All I could do was laugh. I know it was not funny but I couldn't stop laughing. Then I had to tell the young manager about the bloody bathroom and seat in the theater. By the time I got her to the hospital, the seat in my car had a pool of blood. Good thing my camaro had vinyl seats! jg

  5. Krissy, I'm sorry about that blind date...I was working with his sister and she told me what a nice guy he was. Looking back, she was kind of odd also
    Love Mom

  6. GJ, that theater was such a dump! they probably never took out that seat! I can just see you laughing in the bathroom!

    Mom,don't be sorry! I got a soda and a movie out of it!

  7. And I am sure he thought that light blue lei jgsure suit was HOT!

  8. Ugh! Your date that you describe sounds almost as bad as one I went on in Anchorage too! Only, he was a music promoter, drove a Lexus with heated seats and just talked about how much everything cost and how much money he had and whine, whine, whine. Later, when he took me home, my Dude woke up as I walked in. (He was 3 at the time.) and I got to watch this guy be revolted over a kid's mildly runny nose and listen to his child-germaphopic freakout. What it boiled down to is that I am more man than that pansy is and I'm not a man, baby!

  9. Well I had a couple of blind dates that I just never showed up for... they were arranged by a boss or someone I didn't think I could tell them "no" so I just didn't show... I forgot the part about the stood up date calling and telling the boss about my "no-show" ... DUH... But.....

    P. was an Anchorage blind date. 37.5 years later there's a history... ;o)


  10. Sandy! I didn't know that that's how you a P meet! My folks never told us that. Or I forgot!

  11. I have never been on an offical blind date before. I did go out once with a friend of a friend, but I kind of knew him and it was ok. It was a prom date I think and at the end I did give him a kiss and let him take my garter off. Wow hows that for confessions.
