Monday, February 9, 2009

Afternoon Drive

On Sunday after Church I went for a Sunday drive. It was such a nice day. The sun was shining and it was about 40+ above. I grabbed Abby and took off. Put some tunes on and went south. It still gives me a thrill that I still can go places that I have not yet been to. I drove south to Osseo then went east to Fairchild then north to Augusta. I think that Augusta has a Amish community. I saw 2 Amish buggies on the road. I wanted to stop and take a picture but they (The Amish) do not like that so I didn't. It was very charming. I have read some books on the Amish from X-Amish people. I glad that I'm not Amish! Then I went north to Cadott, took some back roads and got on State Hwy 178 that followed a lake/river up to Cornell and then west on Hwy 64 back home. It was about 3 hours worth of driving. Come summer time I want to go on Hwy 178 and see it all green and with the river flowing, also I would like to do that drive in the fall. It must be real pretty with the fall colors.

I passed a lot of corn fields like this. I don't know way they don't harvest all the corn. But a lot of fields still have corn standing. There must be a good reason. Anybody out there know why?

I like the rows. I get a little mesmerized while driving if I look to long at them while I pass them!


  1. How wonderful it must have been; to be able to drive in a circle - not just north or south! My favorite thing to do when I go outside is to rent a car and drive somewhere.
    The cornfield thing is weird maybe the corn didn't grow enough to be harvested.

  2. Your drive sounded like fun. You actually drove through the town where T's mom use to live...I'm sure you drove right by her house on hwy 27!

  3. Maybe the corn didn't mature enough or they plan to cut it for feed corn in the spring. Tim (the almost farmer) doesn't know either.

  4. The corn may have been too wet to harvest. I've already forgotten if we had a wet autumn or not! Or maybe it's there as deer bait. Just theories.

    That's quite the drive you took!

  5. They may have just not harvested the corn in time (before snow) and or may have not been mature. Also some farmers have to leave a narrow strip in the feild for insurance purposes.

    Sounds like you had a nice drive.

  6. That's some interesting reasons for leaving the corn behind. Now I know! Thanks!

  7. I'm curious about why they might leave a strip for insurance reasons? I need further explanation.
