Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I'm back.

We got back home here in Wisconsin a little bit after 5pm. For going to a funeral I had a real good time. It was nice to see all my Aunts and Uncles and cousins. I have cousins that live on the East Coast that I have not seen since they were 3 or 4? Now one is 38 and has 3 kids. I keep seeing her as a 3 year old. That side speaks funny with that East coast accent. But they are a fun group.

On the way back we spent about an hour in the Twin Cities. My Mom and Dad both grew up there. We went to their old neighborhood. I saw where Bill's grill would have been at. My mom used to work there and Dad would come by and give her the "eye" That's where they met at.
He also showed me where they would go and watch submarine races.

When we left there and headed home we ran into a real big storm. It rained really really hard. Cars pulled over on the highway and traffic went down to a crawl. We pulled into Hudson and waited for about 1/2 hour till the rain let up.

As much fun as I had with my Dad's side of the family, I'm glad to be home with my dog and my goats and sleep in my own bed. I'm becoming a real homebody I think.


  1. I'm glad you and your dad made it home safely. We never got a drop of rain here, even thought it looked threatening when I left work.

    I bet the goats were glad to see you. Did Abby come along?

  2. Sorry we missed you this morning. We decided to head home after we left Tom's. Ran into heavy rain and had to pull off the road a few times. We did not get home until 1:30 a.m. I think? Not sure...I was real tired. It was great to see you!


  3. It's funny how funerals can end up almost being a good time when you get to catch up with everyone. Heck of a way to have to do it, though. :(
