Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A day at work

As you all know, I work in a library. ( best job ever) In all my other jobs I dealt with adults. I never really worked with kids. Well, other then calling in pilots to work and getting their kids on the phone and listening to them SCREAM in my ear as they would holler that the phone was for DAD!

Here at the library I deal with kids, a lot in fact. Today this one odd child, while checking out books started to mumble ( He comes in once a week and he mumbles all the time, pet peeve of mine ) that " while at Wal-Mart they gave my mom her check back and now she is mad because it's going to cost more" So I take it that mom was floating checks?

Then there was this girl ( about 12? ) came up and she wanted to know if I had a book? Yes, we have lots of books I said. No, did I have a book about wallets? I asked "wallets?" No, she snapped back!
Um I mean um you know um, a book? um um um my brother . You know, that's my brother, wait wait I mean he um he lost his wallet. Um, he he um he is going to get a book for me.

I told her that she needed to go talk to her brother. I didn't tell her but we just denied him a library card as he owed almost 50 bucks in fines for movies and stuff. Not a very good risk.

I over heard that girl tell some other kid that she had spent 2 years in juvie! I don't know if I believe that but I can tell you that I think that she is going to be a problem if they become regulars. ( Good thing we don't have silverware! I know, very judgemental of me)

Then there was the cute little boy that was all happy cause he got the big book about trains!
The big book of trains is often checked out.

Over all, most of the time the kids aren't to bad. Just not used to working with them.


  1. I think all the troubled kids, or kids with disabilities came to the library today. I always like to help those kids, but that one girl you talked about was very unusual today. you did a good job handling her questions today.

  2. patience, my dear, patience. Just think if the kids are a little odd, how odd must their parents be? So you can't really blame the kids, you just got to work with them as best you can and be encouraging and helpful. The library may be that wonderful place that accepts them no matter what.

  3. I don't mind the older kids, but the little ones who make a mess and their parents don't make them clean it up really irritate me!

  4. Oh dear,poor Krissy. Working with kids can be both rewarding and challenging. I am always at a loss when the mumbling boy comes in to. I really try to listen to what he has to say, but it's tough. I wonder if he has speech or hearing problems?
