T.J. has been looking for about a year now for a old fashioned wind up alarm clock. When we lived out in the country the power sometimes would go out and we would both worry about not waking up in time for work. Him more then me as he gets up really early for work.
So we began the hunt. All we could find was cheap ones at WalMart or Target, and all made in China. We bought one, after a few months it broke. Then began the hunt for one made in the U.S.A.
we looked high and low. Looked online. Can't fine one.
We went to the cities a few weekend ago and went the the Mall of America. There's "The house of flip/flops" "The House of Hats" The house of Crocs" There are all kinds of stores, but did we find a clock? NO! Not a clock to be found. So then we went to some home stores, noop, no clocks there.
Then we asked and was told that there is a place in St Paul called "The house of Clocks" Bound to have a alarm clock made in the U.S.A. Went there last weekend. Nice alarm clocks. Many to choose from, and all made in China! The store owner told us that alarm clocks are no longer made in America. T.J. caved and bought one, It's nice, heavy duty, battery operated,and so far it works.
but while going into the M.O.A. parking lot, which was packed, packed, packed full! We watched a lady try and catch a chicken in the covered parking garage. We watched her for about 5 minutes while we waited to move ahead. She finally got it and people cheered her on. I wonder, just where in the heck did the chicken come from? We are talking The Mall of America parking lot!
2 years ago
Wow, that just blows my mind that no clocks are made in the USA.
ReplyDeleteAnd that chicken....in a parking garage? Maybe it was an escapee from a crazy farm!!!
I can just picture that lady chasing a chicken lol
ReplyDeleteWow! I haven't been blogging so I also haven't been reading. It took me a long time this morning to get caught up on you!! Big changes in your life, that's for sure. Ya look great, you run, you've moved, you work at a full time job, you've quit taking classes. You sold all your soap making stuff. You've reinvented yourself. Good for you, although I was quite satisfied with the old Chrissy, lol.
ReplyDeleteI don't trust everything made in China, since I bought the headphones for my brother. He grew deaf because of them! I hate China and everything that associates with this ##cking country!
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