Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Be glad that I am NOT going to show you pictures of goat poop. As we all know ( or you should know this ) what we eat and then what we poop is a picture of our health. Being that I know this I have been watching my goats to see what they are pooping. They have been having hard dry brown pellets. Looks almost like rabbit ones. Yesterday I noticed that the pellets are more greenish and also that they are clumping. Still pellets but soft and sticky. Today after work I sat in the goat pen and petted the goats and watched and waited. ( A watched goat wont poop) Finally JuJu did. She wasn't straining but it was still clumpy. I was a little concerned so I called up the goat lady and she said not to worry. The change of diet to where they have more grass and browse to eat from grain and hay is causing the sticky and green pellets. She said that runny is what you need to watch out for.

I have been looking to buy hay. I want to buy small square bales. That's a weight I can handle but it seems like to do that you have to buy a semi load and that is way way more then I want. Also they have the big square ones but they weigh around 800/900lbs and that's way to big for me to handle. I would have a hard time hauling it must less moving it into a storage area. I'm still looking. I know it's out there.


  1. Thanks for sharing Krissy. And a GREAT BIG thanks for no pictures!

  2. I'm with Janice. A big thank you for curbing the urge to take pics of goat poop. Do the goats seem to like their pen?

  3. Hey Aunt Krissy...thanks for the comments on my bike photos. I need to tell you the food is wonderful & healthy, but sometimes I have a "David" anxiety attack!!!!! I thought you would appreciate hearing that.

  4. We have a hay plan for you Kris.

    Don't worry you'll get your hay for winter.

  5. Thanks for filling us in on the goat poop.
