Saturday, December 19, 2009


Why do we find ear hair in men so yucky but a kitten with long ear hair, it's kind of cute?
I had a bad headache today so I took a little nap. Harvey (Black kitten) likes to get under the covers and curl up by my knees. While he was getting all settled under the covers, Colby ( Kitten with ear hair) was on top of the blanket and jumped him. Harvey got a taste of what it's like to be attacked for no reason other then a slight movement. I thought it was all funny until somebody got hurt. I got a claw on my ankle from Harvey while he was defending himself from Colby. Gee, I wonder why I still have a headache?


  1. He is a very handsome fellow, especially with the ear hair.

  2. That is a very pretty cat - good picture you little photographer, you. Someday they will grow up and then you will miss the accidental pricks in the legs...maybe not.

  3. Colby is so beautiful with her long hair....those long hairs are called "tuffs" which will appear near their ears and their paws.

    My gosh Krissy, you have animals sleeping under the covers and on top of the covers. How do you ever get any sleep woman???? Thank heavens the goats live outdoors, otherwise.........

  4. Great photo and wonderful story! Are the girls PG yet?

  5. We love long ear hair on kittens because it makes them look like adorable muppets!

  6. Sweet looking little terrors aren't they? I agree, it's a good thing the goats are temporarly gone, else they'd be in the house with the cold wx we've had, right?

  7. All I have to say is "I pity your Christmas tree."
