Saturday, November 20, 2010

Opening Day

Ahhhh, the first day of deer season (With guns) Nothing like walking up to the mail box and hearing lots of shots! Either the people in my neck of the woods are getting lots of deer or they are poor shots! I put the work out to all the people that I know that hunt that I really like heart!
I hope my friends are good shots. I could go for some yummy pan fried heart.
On a whole other note. I have two roosters. One is a bantam and one is normal size. The bantam was always picking on the big one, would chase him from the food and stuff. But the little guy was not "man" enough to do the job so I was planing on getting rid of him. Well, no longer do I need to plan that act. He's missing. When I did a head count last night I was short one chicken but was not sure who I was missing. This morning in the daylight I could see who was gone.


  1. bummer. you sure are experiencing all the harsh realities of death on a farm. Although sometimes it's easier if nature takes it's course and you don't have to do the dirty deed.

  2. Hmmm around here they're just bad shots.

    Which is good since deer are getting rarer around here every year, especially when you have a over population of coyotes.

  3. Lots of shots around our place yesterday and today too. Driving down the road I saw tons of blaze orange in the tree lines too.

  4. Can deer heart be frozen? If so, I will asked my proxy hunter to bring back the heart and Fed Ex it to you.

  5. Sorry about your rooster, but something must be coming around and eating your feathered friends. What a bummer.

  6. Oh dear, not another chicken loss...but I guess he was destined for goodbye anyway.

  7. What about the liver and togue??
    Sure enjoying the elk meat Kari & Nathan gave us. Hunters are taking HUGE elk east of the interstate out in the flats

  8. Hey - what about picked herring - talk about double double double yuck!!

  9. better get the blaze orange out and wear it when at the mailbox!!

    yum.. deer heart.. or moose heart ..or beef heart.. I hope you get one! Oh yeh.. tongue is good too!!!

