Monday, May 14, 2012

Hate them!

I hate spiders. They scare me. Not in a girly " oh a spider, what will I do" but in a way that I break out in a sweat and my heart races and I feel sick.

I'm saying all that to let you know that A SPIDER (Wolf Spider) climbed up the power cord to the computer and then "jumped" (Wolf spiders do that) on the lap top and then went under it.  I fliped the computer over and I can't find it!  I have not seen it depart. I am typing with my arms extended as far and I can get from the laptop.

Could the spider got inside the laptop?

Just saw him!  Bye


  1. Oh man do you make me laugh!! (but I am with you on spiders-in fact time to do some "bombing" for them in the basement (can't do upstairs 'cause of birds and don't want mist on kitchen stuff)!!

  2. That reminds me of the time I was in your truck with you and you saw a spider hanging from your sun flap and you just about freaked out and caused my near death. Then it wasn't really a spider, it was a ball of lint or something but you were still kind of freaked out. So was I. Almost being in a car wreck due to your sister freaking out is not something I care to repeat!
