Monday, September 1, 2008

What a scene

On Saturday, when I was going to go to the tractor pull and didn't, I did a little drive around as I have been looking for cat tails (and now I'm done with that, got about 15 of them) and came across this peaceful scene, I watched them for about 30 minutes, the little guy was heckling the other ones. He was being a pest! He would run up to the others and butt them in the side, hop like he was bucking somebody off, so much, that one of the other horse's tried to bite him! but no contact was made, he settled down after that. I wonder how long that lasted for?! When I come across scenes like this I wonder, should I get a horse? Then common sense jumps right in and says NO WAY! or NOT YET! I still want to get goats and chickens and if that goes well, maybe, just maybe I would think about getting bigger animals. I need a brother in law to come down with a sister and help me put op a chicken coop and fence ( hint hint ) Huh, I wonder if my sisters in Alaska would want to buy in on a horse or two and then whenever they came to visit we could go riding?

1 comment:

  1. hmmmm that's a very interesting proposition. There are other costs though that would have to be considered such as: vet bills, riding gear, feed, fencing, etc. But still. I could be a part owner in a horse? I've always wanted to own a horse, or even part own a horse. Common sense though says let's see how you do with goats and chickens first.
