Saturday, October 4, 2008

Lesson learned

I learned a lesson today. The story starts with I went to my friend Kellie's house. I had a tag ( mole ) that was bugging me and in my family, we don't need no stinking doctors to take care of stuff. My friend Kellie played nurse and cut it off for me, she did good too! It was the 1st time for her, for me not the 1st time, I have had my Mom and sister cut a few off, Oh, am I sharing too much? Do you have your fingers in you ears going " peas and carrots, peas and carrots?" Sorry, sorry that I'm not more sorry! ( I'm feeling sassy! ) but the lesson learned was, that on the way home I was petting Abby as she is most often in the truck with me and my fingers found a little squishy lump, hum? I wondered. Could it be a tick? I put my finger on it ( Still driving mind you ) and took a good look, WRONG THING TO DO! I went down into a shallow ditch! I quickly saw that I needed to get out of this ditch and back on the road right quick as there was a culvert about 10 feet away! So I did! I didn't even swear! All I said was " ACCKKKK " So the lesson learned was, don't look for ticks on your dog while driving! I pulled over after about 10 miles as that tick was just bugging me. You know, like a sore tooth that you have to keep poking your tongue into! I got the tick, he was a plump one I tell ya! So what do you think of the picture? Gross huh?! I don't think that I can eat sunflower seed anymore!, Oh that wasn't the tick that I got, that tick got killed, this was one I found on her seat. It had died from biting her, shes on some good anti tick medication.


  1. Yucky, yucky Kris!! Good thing your super quick reflexes saved you from plowing into the culvert!! I'm glad tick season is almost over. In OK where my mother lives they have them year round, wouldn't that be terrible?!

  2. Very scary Kris...I'm glad you reacted quickly. A culvert could do lots of damage to you and your nice truck. Was Abby buckled in?

  3. so are ticks kind of like spiders to you? Or did you just go off the road because you were looking at Abbie instead of the road?

    btw, I'm back. I was super sick all weekend, so much that I just wanted to curl up on the floor of the cabin and cry. I'm so glad to be home in my own house, but the dogs are driving me NUTS!

  4. I hope you are feeling better Patty. We've got something going around here that makes you feel pretty miserable, although, Kellie, Kris and I haven't gotten it yet!!!!
