Monday, April 6, 2009


I was feeling some stress, all self induced of course. I decided that I am going to get the goats that the lady at church offered to me. The 3 year old goat tested positive for CEA but does not manifest any signs of the virus. The other goat is only 1 years old and has not been tested.

The goat lady said that there was not a problem with the goats staying at her place until I can take possession of them. Her goats aren't ready to kid until the 2nd week of May. When they do kid I will go over there and help milk goats so that I can learn how to and also get the milk so I can start making soap.

The state of WI sent me my business licence so I can now collect tax for the state.

I have now been on the internet looking at all the essential oils out there. I'm thinking that I will only make maybe 7 or 10 different scents of soaps. But there are so many scents that I'm having a hard time deciding which ones.
I'm thinking of a lemon grass/basil blend? Maybe birch? ( love the smell of birch ) Lime/Bay leaf? I will have the classic lavender and rose scent. Also I have always like patchouli. That can be a strong sent though. Also, I don't care for the real floral scents. I like the spicy/herbal scents.

What are some scents that you think would be good in a soap? Sorry, you can't choose a scent called "Ocean or Rain or Wind" it needs to be a essential oil that's based on real plants and herbs and such.

What scents are your favorites? Give me some ideals.

P.S. That's not my goat. Just a pic of a Nubian goat.


  1. I like raspberry, cinnamon, lemon. I don't care for strawberry, lavender or peach, they are usually done too strong for me. I receivd a bar soap as a gift today, but it wasn't made from goat's milk. Just homemade stuff. I can't wait until you make some.

  2. When we buy goat's milk soap, I get the sandalwood-citrus and R gets patchouli. You could do an oatmeal/lavender, too.

    Goat's milk soap is awesome!

    Once you get set up, you can sell online if you wanted on or set up your own shop.

    Also, sort of related, fainting goats are the best animal ever. You should get one fainting goat to entertain the others. ;) I don't know that they're good milkers, though.

  3. I love sandalwood. Oh, and I like lime/coconut as well.

    I make some of my own cleaning spray here at home as I'm allergic to something in the chemical ones you get from the store. I tend to make it "sweet orange" scented, but have used tea tree, lavender and ylang ylang before.

    Since you plan on marketing your soaps, I'd consider throwing in a floral or two. A lot of women like floral scents and having a couple might just be the ticket to having bigger sales.

  4. How exciting! I am hoping you will put up lots of pics of the whole process!!


  5. Definate sandalwood & patchouli. Tea tree is wonderful and vanilla.
    What about cloves....
    This brings back memories of the Soap Box down at Pike Place Market. Remember the other store??!! teehee

  6. I think goats are adorable, but one thing I've learned is how smelly the males get. They've got such a disgusting habit they do when they mature and you can forget getting them to quit. Anyhow, I had Nubian/Pigmay goats and they had one baby. I would have loved to get milk from her, but never had the time to look into it or do it. I think it's great that you're planning to make soap! I'd love to try some some day. Good luck with it.

  7. Peppermint and rosemary is my favorite. That will work out real nice for you to be able to get some practice first and learn a little bit from the soap lady before you start out on your own.

  8. Something tropical would be nice, and spicey is always nicey!

  9. My vote is for coconut and citrus. I am so happy for you. :)
