Thursday, April 16, 2009

What I saw.

Today on my way to work I saw the following.

I saw that the temp at my house at 4.30pm was 70!
I saw a farmer spreading poop on his field. ( The smell of spring! )
I saw one field getting watered by the big irrigation do-hickey things.
I saw 2 cows with their calves nursing. ( Ahhhhh)
I saw a farmer plowing up his field.
I saw a hawk dive for something along side the road.
I saw a wild turkey.

Makes the 20 minute drive to work interesting.
What do you see on your way to work?


  1. I usually see the wild life on the way home from work. Today on the way home from work I got stuck on HWY 40 behind a huge tractor with a fold up disc attached. Finally I passed even though it was double lines. I could see well and we were going all of 15 miles an hour.

  2. I saw a moose this morning. Geese, a seagull (spring is really here!)and lots of water and mud.

  3. Ok, lets see...I saw cows, song birds, water, dogs, cars, people walking, fishermen, farmers out in the field, and the mail carrier!

    It really was a beautiful morning.

  4. I saw all 4 cats crowded around my bedroom door
    Then I saw their furry butts running down the stairs
    And then I saw the dogs begging to be let out to pee
    And lastly I saw Dude sitting at the counter eating his breakfast.

    I have a super short commute!

  5. I saw fields still with snow (yuck!)
    I saw the high St. John River flowing quickly downstream.
    I saw a train with two engines and the driver sleeping
    I saw the busy McD's drive-thru with people getting their coffee and breakfast,
    I saw a student slowly making his way to school.

    I'd also like to add what I heard....

    Standing on my back porch at 5 in the morning, I heard...
    songbirds singing,
    a couple of crows fighting,
    and geese honking overhead.

  6. 5 wet horses eating their hay, 2 wet dogs on wicker couch on porch when left the house. Rain/sleet until Colo. City. Green grass (sounds like it will be covered with snow before I get home tonight). No deer today along roads, new baby calves all along the drive to Pueblo. Trees/bushes blooming/leafing out closer to Pueblo. Low, fast moving layers of clouds that made me really "homesick" for Alaska. Right now it's drizzly in Pueblo West - the type of day I want to be home in front of wood stove, curled up on couch and reading a good book; or getting some craft projects done. Maybe if it starts getting worse, our new manager will let those of us who commute from down south head home early (brought 4 wheel drive in case they close I25 like last storm - it's good to know all the back roads to Rye or how/where to sneak on interstate!!) Good thing hauled a load of hay home yesterday while could make it up the driveway. And Taylor thinks they are still going to have a track meet today in Pueblo!! Wonderful blessing to be getting more moisture!!

  7. Bald Eagles.
    Mt. Redoubt blowing off steam.
    lots of potholes,water & mud. Do you miss that yet?
