Friday, April 17, 2009

Busy Day.

OK. Maybe not that busy by some peoples standard. My standard is if I got a nap in the day or not and if so, how long? I only got a 45 minute nap in. Not an hour. I was busy because I got up early and went to Chippewa and picked up my new eye glasses. I had the same frame for about 10 years and would just get new lenses. This time I got new frames too. I'm styling now! My vision did not change that much, which is nice as I'm pretty blind and how much worse can it get? The Dr told me that if I wanted to I could get bifocals as I will need them in a year or so. So it can get worse! That's one sure sign that your getting older.

Then after that I went to work and picked up the paycheck. ( Yes, I get paid to "hang out" in the library! ) and went to the bank. Got Abby her summer supply of heart worm medicine. Then went home and took a nap. ( About time )

When I left for work at 1.30pm I saw that the temp at the house was 72! I wore a sleeveless shirt today and had both windows rolled down. Nice!

TMI- Yes I shaved my underarms. What? You think I'm a wild woman?


  1. Enjoy that 72 degrees. We still have snow piles and muddy ash or ashy mud however you want to look at it. When do you get your computer back? We need to see the new glasses. Not just the glasses either; we need a picture of you! Miss you.

  2. I'm imaging a commercial where the lady is riding a moped and she has ropes of hair hanging from her armpits and it's flopping in the guys face whose riding on the back. I was too hot today. It got up to 75 in my office and I was wearing a fleece shirt. I almost stripped. Almost.

  3. I loved that commercial - it was SO funny!!

  4. We took our computer with us, so yay, get to keep up with blogs!
    Glad you shaved. Looking forward to seeing your new specs.
