Friday, May 29, 2009

Work Work Work.

My thumb hurts from nailing lots and lots of poultry nails. ( The little U shape ones ) you need to hold on to them till they grab into the wood so you end of giving your thumb little love taps. Well if you're me you do. If you're my sister Patty and you get tired of that little U shaped nail falling out and you give it a good whack and DON'T move your fingers in time then you hit it. Really hard. I felt bad for her. ( What a dummy! Not moving your fingers.)

I only have one hammer so Tim and I shared it. Very hard to get things done with only one hammer. But we are pretty much done with inside work. Tomorrow will be putting in the 6ft T post and putting up the fencing. I'm kind of dreading that. We will have to go into the woods where the ticks like to hang out! Just so you all understand. Tim is working hard, Patty and I are not. We do "support" work. And I do the cooking, which I like to do anyways.

Here's the one side with the chicken wire up. I will do that other side tomorrow. Don't want to get it all done in one day now do we?

Here's a picture of the goat pen. Tim had to do some bracing to make it sturdy. I think that he did a real good job. I think that the pen is 8ft by 6ft? I think that the goats will be happy in their new home. ( They better be, as this is what they are getting )


  1. I was beginning to think you were too busy to post. What a wonderful BIL you have in Tim. He has done a lot of work, I hope you are treating him well! Are you off work all week while Patty and "Tim are working so hard at your home? Enjoy the visit and keep posting - please.

    Blessings to you all.


  2. That's a nice lookin' coop, Chicken Lady!

  3. Looking good. Are your chickens going to be able to roam around.
