Tuesday, June 2, 2009

All done.

This picture is of the door that Tim cut through the metal wall. I will still need to frame it in so that the sharp edges wont poke my goats. I can frame.
I'm bummed that Tim and Patty are leaving tomorrow. It was nice to have them here visiting me. I am glad that Tim did all that work but I feel that maybe it wasn't a true vacation for him but then he doesn't get why people would go to a beach and hang out. He likes to do projects.
Trust me, I had plenty of them.
This is a picture of the nest boxes that he built. There is 4 of them. The one on the far left is hard to see, it blends in with the wall. I will finish the back of it and also I need to build a roost inside the pen. Tim did a lot of work. I just need to do some small finishing touches and it will be all done.
I will take them to the cities tomorrow so that they can fly back home. And when they get out of the car I will sing the family song that goes likes this " Thank God and Greyhound you're gone"
We sing it with love.


  1. yay! Patty (and Tim) are coming home!! Boo!! Krissy is not! I miss my Krissy!!

  2. Tim and Patty just fit in so naturally at your place. No one would ever expect they were from that far away land called alaska!

    I'm sad they had to return home too. But all good things must end.

  3. Dang - Was hoping they'd swing down my way - lots of fun projects that need done!!!

  4. So glad you were able to get all that accomplished and enjoy your family at the same time! You can frame a door? You are amazing!

  5. Would Tim and Patty like to visit Oregon? We'll have projects galore come August!

  6. You all got a lot done while they were with you! Great to have family that doesn't mind working while visiting, lol!

