Friday, September 19, 2008

Garden post plus

Yesterday,on Thursday I cleaned out my garden. Being that I have had 2 hard frost all but the carrots bit the dust. Well, the rhubarb was still alive, but it needed a transplant so I moved them to the front of the house, maybe they will do better there. I pulled all the dead tomato, zucchini plants and pulled up my two melon plants. I did have about 5 melons, but none ever got bigger then my fist. I cut one up, tasted like a melon that you can get in Alaska! just smaller! not very sweet andvery bland. Also dug up about 10 carrots, these where better then that last batch, by better I mean bigger, but I must have planted rainbow type of carrots as I have very white/cream colored ones and orange ones.The white ones, no mater how I ate them, they are bitter, the orange ones, not bitter, but still that carrots taste! I think when it comes right down to it, I don't really like veggies unless they are cooked. My friend Ruth in Alaska hooked me up with cooking carrots in pineapple juice with brown sugar and butter, now that's the way to eat carrots! I cant think if a raw veggie that isn't better cooked.........thinking...................noop, needs to be cooked.

On a whole different subject, I mowed that yard today, I only saw 5 frogs! So I don't think I was too much of a frog killer! That did make me feel better. Killing frogs makes me sad. Not a cry baby sad, just a bummed sad, little guys are just trying to live their little hopping life in my yard.
P.S. That was one of the smaller melons.


  1. Your melons are so cute....little baby melons! You could eat them in one sitting!

  2. So, I'm not feeling so jealous of all your farm fresh produce, yet.
