Sunday, September 14, 2008


I have been making Russian Tea for the last 10 years or so and it has always been hit and miss. I never wrote down what I did. So sometimes it was good, sometimes to sweet. The ingredients for Russian Tea is Tang, instant tea lemonade mix, sugar, cinnamon and cloves. So this time I tasted and tested and found the right one! And here it is.

2 Cups Tang.
1 pkg Lemonade. (no sugar kind, get the Kool-Aid kind that you add sugar)
1 cup scant sugar.
1/2 cup unsweetened instant tea.
1/2 cup of cinnamon imperils. ( little red hots )
Mix this in a gallon zip lock type bag and store in a dry place. It can get rock hard if it gets moisture in it. My sister Patty knows all about! She spent some time trying to chip out enough to make a cup one day.

A side note. I dont add cloves to it anymore. Just because I dont. You can if you want, but be careful as to much clove is a bad thing!

The reason I think that it was too sweet is that the lemonade mix had sugar in it and then you would add a cup of sugar for the tea, but then it was yuck!

There is nothing like a cup of this tea when you are sick or just chilled to the bone.
Up in Alaska, when I would go to the cabin in the winter, I would have a big jar of this mix. My sister Patty and I would drink cups and cups of this while we sat around the kerosene heater as neither of us drank coffee and hot coco is not good after the 3 cups, way, way, too much dairy!


  1. I've made Russian Tea mix before, but never with the little red hots....I gotta try that out. Actually I'm drinking a cup of tea tonight. With the cool weather and rainy conditions tonight, it was a perfect TEA night. Stay warm & dry.

  2. This is amazing. I was planning to email you today or tomorrow and ask you for this recipe. The last batch you made for me is almost gone, so I'm taking some new up on Wed when I go up to cabin. Tim left today. Thanks. I've got to go buy ingredients now.

  3. Did you make a sample for me??
    I hope so, it sounds wonderful!

  4. I was just copying the recipe down and noticed that you stated it has cinnamon and cloves in it, but those ingredients aren't listed in your recipe. How much cloves? I'm assuming the cinnamon might be the red hots. Please edit if you don't mind. thanks.
