Wednesday, May 13, 2009


The other day my friend Kellie called up and said " I have some s##t for you" My first thought is "what?" Then I understood. She really did. She had 2 black garbage bags full of aged horse/cow manure for me.

We did the poop exchange at work yesterday. Today I was going to work my garden. I needed to weed it first and also loosen up the soil then work the poop in good. Well I was out there, almost done weeding and BOOM BOOM! Yep, big ole thunder storm came. As fast a bunny I unload the poop in the garden bed and came inside.

We are having a nice one. It's making the house tremble. And now we are getting a down pour.
I feel like a farmer when I say this, but we needed the rain. The other day it was windy and I felt like I was in a dust bowl. Farmer Brown plowed his fields and the wind really made it dusty.

P.S. I am so glad that my dog is not afraid of thunder. She only jumps when I do! And I just did.
That was close.


  1. Wow, we never got any thunder and lightening at work, just rain.

  2. I'm glad for the rain too, except our lawn is so long, our mower is at the John Deere dealer getting repaired. I really wanted to have it mowed so it looked nice for my party on friday, but I guess everyone is going to get to look at our shag lawn and huge crop of dandelions.

  3. That's funny. A bag o's&*t. I'm going to get a composter this next Saturday and then I'll let you know how that goes.

  4. Ummmm Kris...please tell me that you washed your hands when you came into work that afternoon!!!!!
